Lose Weight Without Dieting


1. Time Your Meals
Set a timer for 20 minutes and reinvent yourself as a slow eater. This is one of the top habits for slimming down without a complicated diet plan. Savor each bite and make them last until the bell chimes. Paced meals offer great pleasure from smaller portions and trigger the body’s fullness hormones. When you wolf your food down in a hurry, your stomach doesn’t have time to tell your brain it’s full. That leads to overeating.

2. Sleep More, Weigh Less
Sleeping an extra hour a night could help a person drop 14 pounds in a year, according to a University of Michigan researcher who ran the numbers for a 2,500 calorie per day intake. His scenario shows that when sleep replaces idle activities — and the usual mindless snacking — you can effortlessly cut calories by 6%. Results would vary for each person, but sleep may help in another way, too. There’s evidence that getting less than 7 hours of sleep revs up your appetite, making you uncommonly hungry.

3. Serve More, Eat More Veggies
Serve three vegetables with dinner tonight, instead of just one, and you’ll eat more without really trying. Greater variety tricks people into eating more food — and eating more fruits and vegetables is a great way to lose weight. The high fiber and water content fills you up with fewer calories. Cook them without added fat. And season with lemon juice and herbs rather than drowning their goodness in high-fat sauces or dressings.

4. When Soup’s On, Weight Comes Off
Add a broth-based soup to your day and you’ll fill up on fewer calories. Think minestrone, tortilla soup, or Chinese won-ton. Soup’s especially handy at the beginning of a meal because it slows your eating and curbs your appetite. Start with a low-sodium broth or canned soup, add fresh or frozen vegetables and simmer. Beware of creamy soups, which can be high in fat and calories.

5. Go for Green Tea
Drinking green tea may also be a good weight loss strategy. Some studies suggest that it can rev up the body’s calorie-burning engine temporarily, possibly through the action of phytochemicals called catechins. At the very least, you’ll get a refreshing drink without tons of calories.

6. Eat at Home
Eat home-cooked meals at least five days a week. A Consumer Reports survey found this was a top habit of “successful losers.” Sound daunting? Cooking may be easier than you think. Shortcut foods can make for quick meals, such as pre-chopped lean beef for fajitas, washed lettuce, pre-cut veggies, canned beans, cooked chicken strips, or grilled deli salmon.

7. Get Food Portions Right
The top habit of slim people is to stick with modest food portions at every meal, five days a week or more. “Always slim” people do it and successful losers do it, too, according to a Consumer Reports survey. After measuring portions a few times, it can become automatic. Make it easier with small “snack” packs and by keeping serving dishes off the table at meal time.

8. Go for Whole Grains
Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat, and whole wheat also belong in your stealthy weight loss strategy. They help fill you up with fewer calories and may improve your cholesterol, too. Whole grains are now in many products including waffles, pizza crust, English muffins, pasta, and soft “white” whole-wheat bread.

9. Eat Out Your Way
Restaurant meals are notoriously fattening, so consider these special orders that keep portions under control:
-Split an entrée with a friend.
-Order an appetizer as a meal.
-Choose the child’s plate.
-Get half the meal in a doggie bag before it’s brought to the table.

10. Burn 100 Calories More
Lose 10 pounds in a year without dieting by burning an extra 100 calories every day. Try one of these activities:
-Walk 1 mile, about 20 minutes.
-Pull weeds or plant flowers for 20 minutes.
-Mow the lawn for 20 minutes.
-Clean house for 30 minutes.
-Jogging for 10 minutes.

Life is full of constant reminders

Life is full of constant reminders. No matter how good my day was, there will always be at least a tiny little disrupt that tickles me to say “oh, not again”.

It’s like there’s this invisible scale that never stops weighing the amount of happiness and sadness even on a daily basis, making sure that we don’t hit the happy-jackpot and fly to the heaven of ultimate happiness.

I guess, happiness has to always be weighed down by a tint of sadness to make sure that our feet remain on the ground, and our heads kept together – to remind you that you might fall the very next day, and you might break your heart if otherwise.

AADC 2 (one of the best teen flicks i’ve ever seen)

While everyone seems to be sick and tired of Hollywood teen flicks, Indonesia churns out one which is top-notch. I’m Malaysian, and Bahasa Indonesia is pretty different from Bahasa Malaysia although they’re supposedly almost identical. I watched it in the cinema so there were subtitles, which helped a lot.

This is one teen flick that you’ll regret you didn’t take the time to watch. It revolves around average people leading average lives, which makes it so easy to relate to. It tells a story of the choices you’ve to make in your life. Choosing your friends or your boyfriend. Many people are faced with this challenge in life, and this movie excellently portrays Cinta’s (Love; the girl’s name) social life (involving her four best friends) and the boy whom she fell in love with.

She has two choices to make–choose her friends, or Rangga (the boy). She finally has to make this decision one day when Alya (who seems to be in a terrible state), her best friend, calls her and asks her out just when she’s about to go and see Rangga.

What makes this movie so memorable, so beautiful is that it is no where near shallow. It revolves around the problems that plague teenagers around the world today, as well as political problems that many countries currently face. It also promotes “karya sastera”, or literature, and poetry as well as music amongst teenagers. After all, it is literature that brings Cinta and Rangga together.

I watched this movie over and over, and each time I walked out of the cinema feeling strangely elated. “Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?” reminds you of how it was like being young and innocent and free. It reminds you of the beauty of young love, and the importance of friends. It reminds you of how the strangest circumstances can bring people together and forge a bond so tight that not even distance would never be able to separate them.